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Stavanger - Bootsverleih - Yachtcharter - Bootsvermietung
1 Boot zur Vermietung in Stavanger
Ihre Suche: Norwegen + Stavanger
Ferretti 34 mt
Motorboot / Motoryacht, mit Crew, Ferretti YachtsLänge x Breite: 34 m x 5 m, 34 x 5 m Bj.: 2006, Kabinen: 5
Boot/Woche: 80.000-85.000 €
Charter-Revier: Ostsee, Nordsee, Mälaren
Charter-Land: Schweden, Finnland, Norwegen, Hafen: Stockholm, Stavanger

Boot/Woche: 80.000-85.000 €
Luxusyacht, Wochencharter 

comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests overnight in 5 cabins, comprising a master suite, 2 double cabins and 2 twin cabins. She is also capable of carrying up to 6 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.
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