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Playa Blanca / Marina Rubicon - Bootsverleih - Yachtcharter - Bootsvermietung
1 Boot zur Vermietung in Playa Blanca / Marina Rubicon
Ihre Suche: Spanien + Playa Blanca / Marina Rubicon
Catana Bali 4.1
Segelboot / Segel-Katamaran, mit Skipper, CatanaLänge x Breite: 12,35 m x 6,42 m, 12,35 x 6,42 m Bj.: 2018, Kabinen: 5
Boot/Woche: 6.100-8.100 €
Charter-Revier: Balearen, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Menorca, Kanarische Inseln ...
Charter-Land: Spanien, Hafen: Playa Blanca / Marina Rubicon, Maó, Palma de Mallorca

Boot/Woche: 6.100-8.100 €

Wonderful catamarán BALI 4.1 YEAR 2018 owners version with three double cabins (the master cabin in one hull). Two single cabins added. Available from October to April in Lanzarote (Canary islands) and from May in Balearic Islands
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