Yachts with crew for rent - sailing yachts and motor yachts for charter

48 m
built 2005

boat/week: 190,000-210,000 €
Tyrrhenian Sea, Pontine Islands
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25 x 6.17 m
built 2000

boat/week: 10,000-15,000 €
Adriatic Sea, Kornati Islands
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21.34 x 9.30 m
built 2013

boat/week: 25,200-36,750 €
Adriatic Sea, Kornati Islands
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16.90 x 9.20 m
built 2024

boat/week: 14,800-28,900 €
Adriatic Sea, Kornati Islands
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Yachts with crew - rental with Happycharter Would you like to spend your holiday on a sailing yacht or a motor yacht - without driving licence? Are you looking for comfort in yachting? Do you want to be pampered by a crew on a yacht? The right solution for you: crewed yacht for rent!

Yachts with crew - rental with Happycharter

In the data base of Happycharter are a lot of motor yachts and sailing yachts with crew for hire. Well equiped yachts with many extras in the loveliest areas in Europe and worldwide are at you disposal.

* yacht with crew * yachts for rent * crewed yacht charter * sailing yachts, motor yachts with crew *

Would you like to hire your yacht with crew through Happycharter? Do you offer crewed yacht charter by yourself? Sign up and add your sailing or motor yachts in the log in area. Prospective charter customers will contact you directly.

* yacht with crew * sailing yachts, motor yachts with crew * crewed yacht charter * yachts for rent *